The one thing to get away to

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's Nearly Everything!

I really don't read outside of class. However, my step mother's ex husband introduced me to a book that I should read.  We were having a conversation on whether the universe actually is infinite or not.  He saw that I was interested in scientific studies and thought this book would interest me.  It is called "A Short History of Nearly Everything."
The book expands across everything, at least from what they can fit within the pages.  The book talks about how atoms make up everything, goes through evolution, and even expands to the outer most objects in our universe. 
The author touches on many things but doesn't waste too much time explaining one thing so you don't lose interest in the book.
So for all of you nerds out there who love the sciences, go check this book out and find out things you may have never known.

The Illusionist

I don't  always watch movies, but when I do, I prefer mysteries. 
On a serious note now, the one movie I did actually enjoy was The Illusionist.  Edward Norton is the main character.  He's a magician.  He falls in love with a girl of higher class, and of course her parents do not agree.  He fakes his death through one of his performances to the whole town. 
He is able to run away with his lover and fake everyone who has witnessed his "death."
I am interested in mysteries and how the main character performs his magic tricks.  They are tricks that no one can understand.  It actually leaves you wondering if he was supernatural or if it all was just an illusion.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Art is very touchy for me.  I consider myself an artist and work hard on my works.  I spend on average a minimum of a at least 2 days on a piece all the way up to at least several months for a piece of art.  I put every second into every small detail within my art.  And I guess because I take such time to work on even the smallest details I feel that some "famous" artists should not even be considered "artists."

Let's look at Patrick John Mills' art.  Most of his art looks like it was just paint thrown upon paint thrown upon paint. 
London Underground (Tube Map)

London Underground (Tube Map)


A seat in a class should not be a grave deal.  Whether I sit in the front of the room one day and then move to the back of the room should not matter as long as her class (teaching) is not being interrupted by the students' diarrhea mouths.
People may say "well she might need you to sit in your spot to take attendance."  Where people sit for attendance does not matter in the class because attendance is taken on whether or not the student is signed into the computer under their name.
I feel this teacher has more of a control issue.  The class does not always listen to the teacher and therefore they take power by scolding students and moving them around.  But the teacher shouldn't take it out on everyone.  Not everyone disrupts the class.
So leave me alone if I choose to sit in the back because the person who originally sits next to me smells like a hobo who just ran eight miles in a hot mid-summer day. If I don't pay attention, I know the risks of my grade.  But considering I have 121.86% in this class... I see no problem then.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Counting Blue Cars

You don't hear many teens talking in the halls about the newest Christian rock band out or how amazing one of their songs are and that they should go listen to it. Whenever people hear "Christian rock" many minds jump to conclusions of like gospel music thrown in to an acoustic melody.  It's really not like that.  In fact, many Christian rock bands that you hear may not even sound like it at first.  Like Dishwalla.
The song Counting Blue Cars by Dishwalla was a song I loved since I was a little girl.  Although, I would have to contribute that mostly due to the fact that my dad performed a cover of the song in his band. 
The song starts off with an electric acoustic melody. Gets you pumped up, then it slows to gentle strumming as the first verse starts off.  It is very soothing and the way it sounds leaves your mind having to think about the lyrics.  And right when you draw your conclusions from the soft tone lyrics, the chorus comes and just throws your conclusions into action.  The guitars pick up the pace as well as the drums and the lyrics.  It pushes you to actually think "and ask her (God) why we're who we are." Then the second verse comes and its brings you back to a tranquil state of mind. 
This track grabs you at first with its guitar opening, then pulls you deeper with it's lyrics.  One of the parts in the lyrics that I think is great is that the writer calls God a "she."  Which does relate to the lyrics "He had, many questions, Like children often do."  It kind of shows that our interpretation to religion is open just like a child's mind is.  Just like a child is questioning things, so is everyone else, nothing is certain and even the fact that God can be male or female is just one of those questions that we seek to ask.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Now wasssssup

Grammar.  Can't stress it enough. Probably the one thing that annoys me completely.  Whether someone is speaking or even through the simplest thing as a text.  It is one of my  pet peeves.  What sparked this you may ask, "I knows..."
I may have my mistakes here and there.  My father grew up in Bridgeport and I grew up listening to his B-port slang talk.  Like when my dad would call to me and my brother, he'd yell out "Yous guys..."  Or his way of saying "There is nothing there" would be, "There ain't nothing." One of my favorite words. So I have some bad habits. 
Now when someone needs to ASK a question, that's what it is. It's ASK not AXE. And the word "for" can not ever take the word "so".  It is not "I need to finish my chores FOR I can go out," it is, "I need to finish my chores SO I can go out."
Now texting.  There are just too many to correct each one.  So let's just make a list first. Y, K, O, YOUR, ITS, L8R, CYA, TOO, TO, 2, R, IDK, IDC, WAT, WASSUP, GNIGHT, GOTCHU, GONNA... I'll just stop here for now.    People also use these words in emails, which they even send to teachers.  Either we're just too lazy to type/talk correct or people in the 21st century are slowly forgetting the English way of communicating.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

MMMM MMMMMMM goooooooooooooooooooood

Morgan’s Bar and Grill is located over by UIC on Halsted kiddy-corner from Jamba Juice.  It is a great place for college students to come on the weekends to enjoy a great hamburger or other grilled food.  With over eight televisions and two projection screens, it is quite busy on game days from watching the Bears to the Blackhawks.  The atmosphere is cozy with warm hanging lights, candles set out on the tables in the evening and sport team posters scattered along the brown brick walls and bar counters which is placed in the center of it all.
          When you walk in, you are immediately greeted by the waiter/ waitress.  However, even though you are greeted, they did not make clear if we were to seat ourselves or be seated by them.  Other than the first confusion, the service was great.  Our waiter was friendly and even cracked a joke or two.  The manager is out in the bar taking orders and making friendly conversation with the customers who walk in. 
          Now down to the main reason for a review, the food.  One word… perfecto.  The cod fillet was cooked perfect to where it felt like it was just melting in your mouth.  The lettuce was fresh and the tartar sauce had a delicious twist to it.  The fries were crisp and not too salty.  It was too good to put down.
          On game days, they have specials for orders of wings, burgers, fries and other appetizers as well as the alcohol.
          Prices on average range from $6 - $10.  Highly recommended to come grab lunch or dinner with friends

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The king

The history still shows decades later.  Would he be happy with how things are these days?  There is still a substantial amount of racism existing in the minds of many people.  Racism will sadly never completely be eliminated within our world.  But, in our world today compared to Martin Luther’s time, more opportunities have been opened to African Americans as well as equal rights.
Yes, Martin Luther was a man everyone admired and turned to when they were in need of aspiring to their dreams.  He was a man who showed to everyone that no one should ever give up.  He was one of the greatest African American activists in America.  And even though he was a venerable man, I do not think that school and work should have a day off. It singles out one race and does not represent a nation as a whole like other holidays such as the Fourth of July and Columbus day.  These two holidays represent America as a whole: the declaring of our nation as a free nation and the actual founding of America.
Declaring a national day for Martin Luther is one thing, but having children miss school and adults being off from a day of pay is pushing it a little.
But I will enjoy my day off every year without complaining.