The one thing to get away to

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Courtney Barrios, daughter, sister, volleyball player, student.  Being all these things are not what makes who Courtney was.  It was how she viewed and lived her life.

Courtney Barrios once said never live life with regrets.  She took the situations she was in and instead of regretting making a choice, she learn from them.  She believed that everything in life happens for a reason and that life should be lived without regrets, otherwise real beauties in life will be missed.

Courtney stayed true to this.  Never once did I hear her complain about how she should have never done something.  It was more about how she could do it better the next time around.  And she always found the better way.And certainly, she would want us to look at her death not as a mourning, but as a situation which will contribute to our growth on this journey through life. 

She always was there for her friends and family.  She always wanted to know what was going on in their lives.  She felt that if they were ever stuck between a rock and a hard place that she would be the one they would come to.  She wanted to help her loved ones in any way possible, even if it was just sitting there quiet just to keep them company or giving girlfriends corny advice about how not to attract the wrong men.

The one thing she knows she would never regret was putting the smiles on the faces of her loved ones.  And so today, as we say our last words to our friend, daughter, lover, sister, lets put on a smile and show her just how happy we were to have had her in our lives. 


  1. I almost...shed a tear. Nice, continue to be the friendly person that you have shown me you are. LOVE you Courtney :)

  2. I like the ending. it was cool how you tied everything up and repeated the same statement from the begining

  3. I would truly miss you Courtney! My favorite part about your is the have no regrets philosophy. That's how life should be lived for real.
