The one thing to get away to

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

Through the developmental stages of life, we are only exposed to our parents and their thoughts and beliefs on life.  When we start attending school, we are introduced to the beliefs of our peers and teachers.  The school teachings are taught in a way to reflect our society and are centered around a certain way to perceive life or the ways we do things.  However, there is a time in life when we start to question the things we were told to believe as universal truths. 
            Take hold of this time in life.  Use it to a higher advantage by examining everything we were told and starting to muster our own opinions.  By developing our own beliefs we start to mold an individual in a society where we all label ourselves the same or segregate ourselves into groups.  We need to break away from a single view and broaden our minds.  
            So if we don’t take hold of this time and examine just what exactly is true to ourselves and what is something just put in our heads, we will lose a part of ourselves: our individuality.  The ideas and teachings we grew up knowing are of those of everyone around us.  We would be living in everyone else’s beliefs on life; Almost as if we did not exist in ourselves but through others eyes.  So to say our “second sight.”  We would just comply with this whatever everyone perceives to be right.
            Why go on living someone else’s life?


  1. I used to feel like people who belong to a certain catagorey like republicans or capitalists or whatever weren't living worthy lives. But I think that as long as someone is living their own life then I think their ideas are valuable. Even if they look at the world and conclude something terrible like that they are superior to those of a different culture. Anyone who lives a live with original and honest thoughts must be fulfilling some roll in culture or society or the world as a whole.

    and yeah man on a personal level if you don't break away from stuff like that then you'll never be happy or comfortable with yourself

  2. I agreed with you in class and I'm agreeing with you now. We all grow up with certain opinions because of how our parents raised us. And while it's fine to keep agreeing with these opinions, if we never question the beliefs we grew up with, we begin to just resemble our parents instead of being our own person. Our individuality is a very important factor in having a fulfilling life, and it is up to us to do all the work in order to determine that.
