The one thing to get away to

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Smite me O'mighty Smiter!

All loving, all caring, all knowing, all powerful. He is everywhere and he is everything.  But he is only acknowledged when we need something or need to blame someone. 

God, in my eyes, has lost the true meaning.  He used to be someone who people feared.  If you did not do something he would smite you or toss you between a rock and a hard place.  He was an idol, someone who people could always look up to and depend on.  People actually went to church every weekend and spent an hour rejoicing his name.  People actually prayed to him everyday even if there was nothing needed  but just to thank him for life itself.  But above all, he was there no matter what (even though he still is).  He was the only one anyone could trust and could put one's entire faith into.  He was the one thing we based our lives on; did we live up to his standards on earth so we could spend the rest of eternity sitting at his side.

God is now just thrown out there like another word.  The meaning behind his name is wearing away and people are focusing more on feeling accomplished or just plainly looking for a good time here on earth.  Every now and then we might throw out there a thank you to God but it might as well just be like thanking some random stranger on the street. 

So if you ever need anyone to help you achieve that A on a test, thank someone for making it onto Broadway or blaming someone for that horrible decision you had to make between the boy and the best friend, walk up to the closest stranger and thank him (or scream at him.)

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